Gua sha Gua sha (刮痧; guāshā) is abrading the skin with pieces of easy jade, bone, animal tusks or horns or easy stones; until red spots then bruising protect the world to which it is finished. 另外,笔者通过对该期刊的文章进行调研,发现该期刊收稿范围广泛,与中医/中医药密切相关的其他领域,�
Gua sha Gua sha (刮痧; guāshā) is abrading the skin with pieces of easy jade, bone, animal tusks or horns or easy stones; until red spots then bruising protect the world to which it is finished. 另外,笔者通过对该期刊的文章进行调研,发现该期刊收稿范围广泛,与中医/中医药密切相关的其他领域,�